fusion drive windows

A computer with Fusion Drive works properly with Windows on Boot Camp. Only iMacs with 3 TB Fusion Drive have problems to install WIndows on Boot Camp. Before using Boot Camp to install Windows on the Mac, see if you need a virtual machine or Boot ...

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  • 本人土鳖,没用过mac,只在体验店简单玩了一下。 因为工作和游戏还是需要一下win7,这里请不要讨论干啥非要装双系统,没必要用mac之类的问题,谢谢理解。 准备入手imac27(0...
    imac的Fusion Drive装双系统,win系统能否也“装在sdd”那部分? - ...
  • A computer with Fusion Drive works properly with Windows on Boot Camp. Only iMacs with 3 T...
    Fusion Drive on Windows | Official Apple Support Communities ...
  • Is there a solution out there that would let you create a 'fusion drive' similar t...
    OS X "Fusion Drive" feature on windows 8.1? - Ars ...
  • Fusion Drives for Windows? Recently, I found out it’s relatively easy to turn a platter dr...
    Conrad Kreyling's Blog Zone - Fusion Drives for Windows? ...
  • 最近正準備要購買 2013 的 imac,被告知安裝 Fusion Drive 的硬碟,是不能安裝... ... 會員資訊. Hi, 歡迎來到 Mobile01 註冊. 登入. M...
    Mac桌上型電腦 - Fusion Drive 可以裝雙系統嗎? - 蘋果討論區 - ...
  • Hi all, I've already tried to get an answer for this question for some time now. No on...
    Fusion Drive work under Windows OS | MacRumors Forums ...
  • Driver Fusion can manage and monitor your devices and their drivers as well as automatical...
    Driver Fusion | Update, manage and monitor drivers & dev ...
  • 稍微解釋一下 Fusion Drive 的技術,這個技術其實是 OS X 系統底層裡面的 Core Storage 來做的,新的 iMac 還有 訂製版的 Mac mini ......
    如何用 Mac 自製 Fusion Drive 硬碟? | AppleUser
  • Design Apple's Fusion Drive design incorporates proprietary features with limited docu...
    Fusion Drive - Wikipedia
  • If creating a Windows partition, use Boot Camp Assistant instead. You can use Target Disk ...
    About Fusion Drive, a storage option for some Mac computers ...